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2 Reasons You’ll Be Needing a Full Service Car Detail Around The 4th of July

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Happy 4th of July! Whether you live in Fort Collins or Loveland, you’re sure to get an amazing show! “Fun in the sun” can be great throughout July, but it’s still a good idea to take care of your vehicle. Here are a couple reasons you’ll want to stop by for a full-service car wash.

Before It Rots

It’s the middle of summer, which means picnics, trips to the beach at Boyd Lake or Horsetooth, and eating lunch in the car. With all of this food in your car, some of it is bound to fall into the cracks. Did you lose a french fry from Good Times down the side of your seat? Maybe the blanket from your picnic had cracker crumbs all over it that ended up in the back compartment of your SUV? Oh no, did the bugs eating the cracker crumbs get in there too? Before those things rot and die and rot (in that order) in the hot July sun, come in and have us take care of it with auto detailing.

Simply Summer

The fact is, every season has its specific reason you’ll be needing a car wash. Winter might have the mag chloride to clean off, and spring has enough rain where there’s not much use in having a car wash performed because it’s just going to get rained on again (however, you can get unlimited car washes with our car wash club). Summer has its own problems, because those late afternoon showers can sneak up on you, and, once the rain dries, it leaves you car all dusty. July is right in the middle of summer, so you might be needing the occasional full-service car wash to follow those rains.speedy 1

You never want to neglect your car for long, so be sure to keep it clean with a full-service auto detail from Speedy Sparkle. In fact, here are some car wash coupons to help you along.


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