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How To Keep Your Car Looking Nice, Even When You’re a Member of the Car Wash Club

dreamstime_xxl_35908087One of the most popular services we offer here at Speedy Sparkle Car Wash is our Car Wash Club. It’s easy to see why, considering what a good deal it is. Starting at just $16.95 a month, you can get unlimited exterior washing and drying. For just a bit more you can upgrade to wheel scrubs, polishes, dusting, interior window cleaning, and much more.

We see some people quite often and know many of them by name because they’re members of our Car Wash Club. But even they don’t want to come in every day just because a little bit of dust got on their car. Here are some ways you can avoid having to come in more than necessary.

Watch the Rain

Sorry if we sound too much like a stand-up routine, but “why does it always rain right after you wash your car?” It turns out, rain isn’t just water. In fact, raindrops form around micrometer-sized dust particles (and, some scientists believe, bacteria). When those raindrops hit your vehicle and dry, the dust is left behind. The water splashes also draw attention to the dust that was already on your car by drawing it in and condensing it into a smaller area as it dries. If you want to avoid those splotches on your car, park in the garage when it’s going to rain. You can also upgrade to our Weather Shield® protecting sealant that will help repel the particles that rain and snow can leave on your vehicle.

Be Careful Where You’re Parking

speedy 1If you’ve ever lived in a humid area of the country, you know just how much better Colorado can be on a hot day: get in the shade and everything becomes so much nicer! Of course, parking in the shade of a tree can lead to a few problems for your car. First of all, there’s the obvious problem of birds dropping their mess on to your car. While this can often be cleaned with a rag and a car cleaner, it becomes a much bigger problem when the birds have been eating purple or red berries that can stain your vehicle.

Second, be aware of the kind of tree it is. Is it known for the way it drips sap? Is it the kind that’s filled with yellow pollen that will speckle your paint job and slip into your cracked windows, only to settle on your dash? (If so, we’ll take care of it next time you’re in for the Unlimited Basic or Ultimate Car Wash.)

If you’re parking in the shade, the best course of action is to park next to a tree that is providing shade but isn’t overhanging the parking space. That way most birds won’t be sitting on branches that are directly over your car.

Take the Right Vehicle

Heading out to the Budweiser Events Center for the Larimer County Fair this weekend? Sure there’s a lot of paved parking, but you might end up parking in the unpaved, dusty lot at the 4-H building. Similarly, you might be heading out to a pumpkin patch in a couple of months and have to travel down a dusty gravel road. If there’s any chance that you’ll be parking off-road, you might want to take a different vehicle. But if not, we’ll see you in here Monday to take full advantage of our Car Wash Club!

Those are just a few basic ways to avoid having to stop by our car wash every day. But remember, when you’re a member of our Car Wash Club, you don’t have to worry about any of the above unless you really want to. Either way, we look forward to the next time we see you in here at Speedy Sparkle Car Wash!

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