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How Getting Your Car Washed Can Put Your Mind at Ease

Let’s start off with a Google review we’ve received, because if you read nothing else in this blog then this review should sum it up nicely.

“When my car is clean I feel like I am more motivated to face the next thing on my list of tasks”

— Sven Daniel Severin via Google review

The sentiment expressed by Sven is certainly something that many of us can relate to. Truth be told, we hear similar statements from our customers quite often, because they know the benefits of a full-service car wash and having the car clean inside and out. Having a clean car can just make your day. And we should know, because we own a car wash!

Let’s take a look at a few reasons that you should stay on top of that “get the car washed” note you have on your phone, fridge, or whiteboard.

It’s On The To-Do List

Let’s start with those among us who like to make lists. We make lists so that we can make sure we don’t forget to do certain tasks, but we also make them because it’s really satisfying to check things off!

No matter where you’ve made a note to get the car washed, it will feel good to check that off so that you can move on to the next item. Of course, chances are good that you’ll be using your car to check those other items off your list. That’s why it’s good to have a clean car, because…

You Run Errands in It

When you move on to the next parts of your to-do list, you’ll probably be taking care of them in your vehicle. You might be grocery shopping, you could be heading to a big box store, or maybe you’re driving your kid to soccer practice. All of these require you to drive around in your car, and while you do so you don’t want to be staring at the dirty Kleenex, used napkins, empty cups, and the dirt from the previous soccer practice.

When you get that full-service car wash taken care of, all of that stuff goes away. Plus you have a clean windshield to look out of so that you get everywhere safely.

It Confronts You Every Time You Head To the Garage

What happens if you don’t get your car washed? Well, the car certainly won’t let you forget that you’ve been shirking your dirty to keep it clean. Every time you head out to the garage it’s going to be sitting there. You go out to drop something in your recycling bin and there it is, covered in bird mess from when you parked under a tree on the 4th of July. Or you try to slide between your two vehicles, only to get dusty because you ended up brushing against your unwashed van. But where did the bird mess go? Oh, that went onto you clothes too along with the dust.

Instead of letting your car remind you that you’ve neglecting it and putting off your “get ‘er done” list, shouldn’t you just go ahead and check at least one thing off?

Clean House, Clean…

If you type in “clean house, clean…” into Google, you’ll run into a lot of memes. The most common is “clean house, clean mind.” That makes a lot of sense, because once you check off cleaning your home then it’s something you don’t have to worry about for a while. Cleaning your house cleans out your mind. The second thing that comes up in the autocomplete of Google is “clean house, clean life.” And that’s true too, because a cleaner house can actually keep you healthier.

Similarly, a clean car can take care of both of these as well. Once you get your car clean, you’ve checked it off your list; you don’t have to think about it any more. Also, as we mentioned in this blog, a clean car can actually help you stay healthy.

We’re not saying that getting your car washed will solve all of your problems, but it can be a good place to start when you begin checking things off your list and feeling that you’ve really gotten something done. Stop by and we’ll get your vehicle cleaner than ever!

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